Unapologetically the gold-standard of all Precept studies, PUP is intensely-rich in its depth and scope of study. When you’re ready to go deeper and understand the whole counsel of God, you’re ready for Precept Upon Precept (PUP). Unfiltered and straight from the Bible, PUP studies help you discover the life-changing power of God for yourself through the daily study of His Word.
Old Testament | New American Standard Bible 1995 (NASB95)
Old Testament | English Standard Version (ESV)
New Testament | New American Standard Bible 1995 (NASB95)
New Testament | English Standard Version (ESV)
TOPICAL | New American Standard Bible 1995 (NASB95)
TOPICAL | English Standard Version (ESV)
Upcoming PUP Courses
Courses: though it is beneficial to start any-given course from the beginning, we welcome registrations post-commencement. Full course fee applies regardless of start date
YA: denotes courses for Young Adults - aged 20s to 40s
Listings with unconfirmed start date: we welcome pre-registration. We will email you to confirm your registration upon release of actual start date.