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Gaining in popularity as study-of-choice amongst young adults, NISS is a 'big picture' study of each book of the bible, edging towards topical study. It provides a study plan that will help you see and understand truth for yourself. This powerful series is ideal for personal study, small groups, Sunday school classes, family devotions, and discipling others. 

Study Series Titles

  • The ‘big picture’/survey format​

  • Concise yet rich studies​

  • All books of the bible covered​

  • At least 3 hours of homework per week.

  • Includes Scripture memorization & discussion question 

Click on course image to view first lesson samples

Old Testament Series

NISS-01-Pentateuch-Teach Me Your Ways

Genesis / Exodus/ Leviticus/ Numbers/ Deuteronomy Begin at the beginning - Creation, marriage, sin, civilization. Then learn about God's continuing lovingkindness and faithfulness to His covenant people, even when they let Him down.

NISS-OT-02-Choosing Victory Overcoming Defeat

Joshua / Judges / Ruth Be strong and courageous to follow God in complete obedience - choose Him above all else; cry out to Him in the face of your enemies; trust Him when all seems lost. Learn how to choose victory in the Lord against overwhelming odds from these Old Testament examples.

NISS-OT-03-Desiring God's Own Heart - 1 and 2 Samuel / 1 Chronicles

1 and 2 Samuel / 1 Chronicles During Israel's transition from judges to kings, two men appeared. One followed humbly after God's heart; the other proudly rejected His counsel. See how God protected the man after His own heart. Learn how to trust Him when the odds seem stacked against you.

NISS-OT-04-Walking Faithfully with God

1 & 2 Kings / 2 Chronicles Do you serve God wholeheartedly? Study God's faithfulness to His people, even when they're disobedient. Learn from those who clung to Him and kept His commandments and received His blessing, and from those who rebelled and received judgment.

NISS-OT-05-Overcoming Fear and Discouragement

Ezra / Nehemiah / Esther This in-depth look at Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther chronicles the lives and conflicts of ordinary men and women who faced overwhelming situations charged with fear and discouragement. Yet they come out the winners. Learn how you can do the same.

NISS-OT-06-Trusting God in Times of Adversity

Job Do you ever ask, "Why is this happening to me? Where is God?" Discover new meaning in the difficulties of your life as you follow Job's amazing journey from prosperity to pain and back again. Learn how to wait in complete dependence for God to come through in your life.

NISS-OT-07-Praising God Through Prayer and Worship

Psalms Discover the psalmists' heartfelt expressions - in prayer, in confession, in grief, and in praise - of their love for and devotion to God. As you learn to apply the text, your personal prayer times will grow more profound and worship experiences more fulfilling.

NISS-OT-08-God's Answers for Today's Problems

Proverbs This resource offers fresh understanding of God's guidance and wisdom for everyday living as it leads readers in the Inductive Bible Study Method to interpret and apply the truths of Proverbs.

NISS-OT-09-Walking with God in Every Season

Ecclesiastes: Wrestle with life’s apparent inconsistencies & futility & find clear pointers to the ultimate meaning of life. Song of Solomon: Determine whether the message pertains mainly to the physical & emotional bonds of marriage, to Israel’s relationship to God, to the church’s relationship to Jesus, or to the individual believer’s relationship to Christ. Lamentations: See the avoidable tragedies caused by sin & the never-ending covenant love of God

NISS-OT-10-Face to Face with a Holy God

Isaiah Discover how you, like Isaiah, can stand strong in the face of attack, persevere in a faithful walk with God, and claim the tremendous promises He has provided. Learn to observe and interpret the prophet's message and apply it to your life.

NISS-OT-11-Listening to God in Difficult Times

Jeremiah Jeremiah’s warnings to a nation that has turned its back on the Lord echo through the ages and speak to cultures today. As readers see the prophet’s heartbreak at the nation’s apostasy, his sense of urgency, and the resistance he faces, they will identify with God’s people throughout the ages and receive assurance that nothing happening today is taking God by surprise. Even in the darkest seasons, readers can be confident that evil will be judged, righteousness will be rewarded,

NISS-OT-12-What is Yet to Come

Ezekiel Discover for yourself the meaning and relevance of well-known but seldom understood images from the book of Ezekiel, including the wheel in the wheel, the valley of dry bones, and the watchman on the wall. As they become adept at observing the text, interpreting its meaning, and applying it to their lives, they will follow the story of Ezekiel from the heartbreak of the fall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity to the inexpressible joy of worship in the heavenly tabernacle.

NISS-OT-13-God's blueprint for Bible Prophecy

Daniel Though you don't know what tomorrow holds, you do know who holds tomorrow. Strengthen your faith in a steadfast God through this study of Daniel.

NISS-OT-14-Discovering the God of Second Chances

Jonah / Joel / Obadiah / Amos Hidden treasures of four Minor Prophets come alive in this fresh new study that highlights the striking similarities between their times and our twenty-first century. In the midst of moral decay and attacks by foreign nations, the message of God that blazes forth to Israel is this -- the Day of the Lord is coming; whoever calls on His Name will be delivered; seek the Lord and live.

NISS-OT-15-Finding Hope When Life Seems Dark

Hosea / Micah / Nahum, Habakkuk / Zephaniah With this study of five of the minor prophets - Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah - you'll discover the light of God's truth shining in even the darkest circumstances.

NISS-OT-16-Opening the Windows of Blessing

Haggai / Zechariah / Malachi We so easily lose heart when God doesn't answer us right away. God's people reacted that way as they returned from exile in Babylon. But in the midst of their discouragement, God sent three prophets to remind them that blessing eventually comes from obedience. Renew your confidence in God's promises as you are challenged to deeper levels of obedience.

New Testament Series

NISS-NT-01-The Coming of God Kingdom-Matthew

Matthew Discover the hope of the Messiah and His teachings, and gain personal understanding of the fulfillment of God's plan through the life of Christ. This Inductive Bible Study of the Gospel of Matthew enables you to observe and interpret this Gospel's message and apply it to your own life.

NISS-NT-02-Experiencing the Miracles of Jesus-Mark

Mark The briefest of the four Gospels, Mark includes fewer long discourses than the others and focuses on Jesus’ demonstrations of His power and authority. In this inductive study, readers will see that Jesus’ miracles show the world His dominion over every aspect of human experience that has been touched by the effects of sin, including sickness & infirmity, spiritual darkness, dead religion, threats from nature, & even death itself.

NISS-NT-03-The Call to Follow Jesus-Luke

Luke Have you heard Jesus' call to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him? Do you know what it means to answer that call? Luke's chronological history tells all - who Jesus was and how He lived. Learn what it means to follow His example.

NISS-NT-04-The God Who Cares and Knows You-John

John Have you heard Jesus' call to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him? Do you know what it means to answer that call? Luke's chronological history tells all - who Jesus was and how He lived. Learn what it means to follow His example.

NISS-NT-05-The Holy Spirit Unleashed in you-Acts

Acts Miracles . . . boldness . . . courage to preach the Word of God. Do you want this power, power to witness for Christ in hostile circumstances - your workplace, maybe even your home? Learn how to depend on the power of the Spirit from the Lord's dynamic work among first believers.

NISS-NT-06-Experiencing the Power of Life-Changing Faith-Romans

Romans The book of Romans is Paul’s clearest presentation of the gospel. With this new study, readers will discover for themselves God’s answers to some of life’s most important questions: - How can I have peace with God? - How can I know God’s will and ultimate purpose for my life? - Can I really live a Christlike life—today? This application of the tried–&–true methods of inductive Bible study to Paul’s letter to the Romans will help readers gain the same confidence Paul had in the gospel.

NISS-NT-07-God Answer for Relationships and Passions-Corinthians

1 & 2 Corinthians How well do you relate to others? Do you have control over your passions? Forget the world's wisdom on these matters and its definition of "tolerance." God alone created and defines healthy relationships, and yours can be transformed by the wisdom of Christ through this study on 1 and 2 Corinthians.

NISS-NT-08-Free From Bondage God Way-Galatians-Ephesians

Galatians / Ephesians Stuck in do's and don'ts? Trapped in a sin? Seduced by the world? There is such freedom in Christ to discover - freedom from hypocrisy, freedom from bad motives and habits, freedom from evil. Discover the only way to freedom: knowing the truth.

NISS-NT-09-That I May Know Him-Philippians-Colossians

Philippians / Colossians This study of Philippians and Colossians will show you what it means to be in Christ and to live your life as a servant of God by following the example of Jesus.

NISS-NT-09-Standing Firm in the Last Days-Thessalonians

1 & 2 Thessalonians Jesus is coming soon! Does that fill you with joy or fear - or a little of both? Do you wonder how you should order your life in light of His coming? First and Second Thessalonians will show you how to order your life in the light of Christ's imminent return.

NISS-NT-10-Walking in the Power of Love and Discipline-Timothy-Titus

1 & 2 Timothy / Titus Paul, entrusted with the proclamation of the Word, passed the baton to his true children in the faith - Timothy and Titus - who would then in turn entrust God's truths to faithful men. So what responsibility do you have? How does your life stack up?

NISS-NT-11-The Key to Living by Faith-Hebrews

Hebrews How do you live by faith when life is filled with so much struggle? Gain a deeper understanding of God's grace and provision through this inductive study of Hebrews. Learn to keep your focus on Jesus and rely on His faithfulness in all situations as you rest in the assurance that Jesus is our High Priest who makes intercession for all of God's children.

NISS-NT-12-Living with Discernment in the End Times-Peter-Jude

1 & 2 Peter / Jude Do sorrow and suffering make your life seem unfair? How can you keep the faith? What do you know about false teachers, ungodly men, and mockers? Find out what you need to know for the day in which you live from three short books that will encourage and enable you to live with discernment in the end times.

NISS-NT-13-God Love Alive in You-123John-Philemon

James / 1, 2, 3 John / Philemon The letters of James and John and Paul's letter to Philemon are among the most practical writings in the New Testament. Discover God's design for successful relationships, including: friendships in the church, business dealings, and interactions between rich and poor. Find strength to resist temptation and joy to persevere in trials. Learn incredible power of words and secrets to answered prayer in this lively study.

NISS-NT-14-Behold Jesus is Coming-Revelation

Revelation Take the mystery out of the Book of Revelation. By letting the text speak for itself, you'll discover that you really can comprehend the events surrounding the end of this age.

Upcoming NISS Courses

  • Courses: though it is beneficial to start any-given course from the beginning, we welcome registrations post-commencement. Full course fee applies regardless of start date

  • YA: denotes courses for Young Adults - aged 20s to 40s

  • Listings with unconfirmed start date: we welcome pre-registration. We will email you to confirm your registration upon release of actual start date.

  • Online + 3 In-Person Sessions
    20 June - 07 November 2024 Hybrid | 6:30 - 8:00pm. Thursdays | 13 Lessons Location: Online + 3 In-Person Sessions Discover new meaning in the difficulties of your life as you follow Job's amazing journey from prosperity to pain and back again.
  • Online
    08 July - 18 Nov 2024 Online | 7.30pm-9.30pm. Mondays | 13 Lessons Location: Online How do you live by faith when life is filled with so much struggle? Gain a deeper understanding of God's grace and provision through this inductive study of Hebrews.
  • Online
    09 July - 22 Oct 2024 Online | 7:30pm-9:30pm. Tuesdays Location: Online In Lamentations, readers will see the avoidable tragedies caused by sin and the never-ending covenant love of God.
  • Online
    10 July - 20 Nov 2024 Online | 9.30am-11:30am. Wednesdays Location: Online Study God's faithfulness to His people, even when they're disobedient. Learn from those who clung to Him and kept His commandments and received His blessing, and from those who rebelled and received judgment.
  • Online
    11 July - 21 Nov 2024 Online | 9.30am-11.30am, Thursdays | 13 Lessons Location: Online Take the mystery out of the Book of Revelation. By letting the text speak for itself, you'll discover that you really can comprehend the events surrounding the end of this age.
  • Online
    12 July - 25 Oct 2024 Online | 9:30am-11:30am. Fridays Location: Online In Lamentations, readers will see the avoidable tragedies caused by sin and the never-ending covenant love of God.
  • Online
    15 Jan to 28 May 2025 Online | 9.30am-11:30am. Wednesdays | 13 lessons Location: Online Even in the darkest seasons, readers can be confident that evil will be judged, righteousness will be rewarded, and God’s plans for His people—to give them a future and a hope—stand firm.
  • Online
    16 Jan to 29 May 2025 Online | 9.30am-11.30am. Mondays | 13 Lessons Location: Online Learn how to depend on the power of the Spirit from the Lord's dynamic work among first believers.
  • Online
    17 Jan to 20 May 2025 Online | 9:30am-11:30am. Tuesdays | 13 Lessons Location: Online This application of the tried–and–true methods of inductive Bible study to Paul’s letter to the Romans will help readers gain the same confidence Paul had in the gospel.
  • Online
    20 Jan to 26 May 2025 Online | 7.30pm-9.30pm. Mondays | 13 Lessons Location: Online Learn how to depend on the power of the Spirit from the Lord's dynamic work among first believers.
  • Online
    21 Jan to 27 May 2025 Online | 7:30pm-9:30pm. Tuesdays | 13 Lessons Location: Online This application of the tried–and–true methods of inductive Bible study to Paul’s letter to the Romans will help readers gain the same confidence Paul had in the gospel.
  • Online
    13 Feb - 29 May 2025 Online | 6:30 - 8:00pm. Thursdays | 13 Lessons This study chronicles the lives and conflicts of ordinary men and women who faced overwhelming situations charged with fear and discouragement. Yet they come out the winners. Learn how you can do the same.
    30-Apr to *12 Nov 2025 Online | 8:00pm to 9:30pm, Wednesdays | 24 lessons Cost $12.50 Discovering God’s Heart: The Transformative Power of the Psalms Through Worship and Prayer: Let’s journey together, delving into this magnificent book, and learning how to worship God in spirit and truth.
  • Online
    03 Jul - 06 Nov 2025 Online | 6:30 - 8:00pm. Thursdays | 13 Lessons This study of Philippians and Colossians will show you what it means to be in Christ and to live your life as a servant of God by following the example of Jesus.



All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 -

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