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The Making of a Leader-God's Way


God calls every one of His people to positions of leadership and influence-in our homes, communities, churches, and ultimately the world. But true leadership involves more than simply being the person out front; it means living a life worth following.


In this study of four important leaders of Israel-Eli, Samuel, Saul, and David-you'll explore key leadership principles, including how to make wise decisions under pressure, deal effectively with mistakes, and set a course that others will follow. Most important, you'll learn what God expects of you-and how you can rise to the call of effective leadership.



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在这课程中,透过研读以色列的四大领袖 - 以利,撒母耳,扫罗和大卫 - 我们会探讨作为领袖的关键原则,包括如何在压力中仍能做出明智决定,如何有效处理缺失和如何作众人都愿意跟从的榜样。更重要的是你会明白神对你的要求,并如何你才能成为合神心意的领袖。

Rising to the Call of Leadership / 回应领导的召命

SKU: 21960

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  • These revolutionary, no-homework, 6-week studies are an easy introduction to inductive study. They have proven great for small groups and have a unique format that includes Scripture alongside the text. Zoom in on the issues you care about and learn to think about them as God does. These focused, self-contained studies guide you into God's Word one topic at a time, 6 weeks at a time, with no homework. Learn to think biblically and discover what God has to say about your real-life questions.

    These softcover workbooks include Scripture alongside instructions, questions and informative insights to aid your inductive study experience.



    这套崭新的查经系列,是由亲爱的圣经教师欧凯莉,和恩言善导协会的教学同工联手编制的。特色是每一课都简短而且容易掌握,但却可以让你个人或透过小组形式来探讨一些重要的课题。系列中的每本书都包括六课四十分钟的查经资料,透过基本的归纳式研经法,带你进入圣经中。学员不用做家课,这样,组内每个人都可以同时完成课堂研习。快来与令人敬仰的圣经教师一起研习吧!这个研习将要革新你的心思 - 和你的生命!

  • Languages 语言: English, 中文简体

    Type 书籍类型: Soft Cover  平装书

    Pages 页数: 107

    Publisher 出版: WaterBrook (English) / Precept Ministries International (中文)

    Product Number: 21960

    Product Number 产品编号: 21960  (English), 21960CS (中文)

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