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A Simple, Proven Approach to Letting God's Word Change Your Life Forever Every feature of the Gold Medallion-winning New Inductive Study Bible is designed to help you gain a more intimate understanding of God and His Word.


You'll be guided through the inductive study approach with the help of tools and questions that will enable you to make the most of the spiritual riches offered in Scripture.


Among the exceptional features are... a guide to completing the steps of observation, interpretation, and application individualized overviews and study instructions for every book of the Bible 23 pages of full-color charts, historical timelines, and maps a one-year Bible reading plan and a three-year Bible study plan Letting God's Word speak for itself is the best way to experience its life-transforming power.



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New Inductive Study Bible - HARDCOVER

  • Every feature of The New Inductive Study Bible is designed to help you gain a more intimate understanding of God and His Word. This is the only Bible based entirely on the inductive study approach—providing simple, proven tools for observing what the text says, interpreting what it means, and applying it to life.

    Discover God’s Truth for Yourself Through These Unique Features:

    • an easy-to-understand explanation of the inductive study method
    • simple tools to help you observe what the text says, interpret what it means, and apply it to your life
    • helpful overviews and specific study tips for every book of the Bible
    • “observation charts” you can use to record what you learn on various topics
    • insights into the history, cultures, and languages of the Bible
    • full-color graphics, timelines, and maps to make the text come alive
    • wide margins to record your observations
    • a useful concordance
    • a concise overview of what the Bible is, how it came to us, and how we can know it is the Word of God
    • a ten-page summary of the major events in Israel’s history
    • a one-year Bible reading plan and a three-year Bible study plan
    • a harmony of the Gospels


    • Available in Hardcover & Milano Softone™ Imitation Leather
    • Available in English Standard Version (ESV) and New American Standard Bible (NASB)
    • Imitation Leather: Choice of two colours
    • 2296 pages
    • 6in x 9in (15cm x 22.5cm)
    • Harvest House Publishers

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