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Isaiah is the crown jewel of Old Testament prophets, a book that strikes awe in the heart of its reader, especially when its poetry is read in the Hebrew. Prophecies from Isaiah are mentioned in twenty-two places in the Gospels, Acts, and Romans. The words of Isaiah were often found on the lips of the Christ, the Messiah prophesied in Isaiah. If Jesus, God incarnate, honored this grand and glorious book so highly, then you and I ought to do the same.


In Isaiah Part 1, we'll meet the Holy One of Israel, and learn how He deals with those who claim Him as God but don't honor Him as God in the way that they live. And we'll find the destiny of nations, the future of all mankind ... including ours.



Isaiah - A Two-Part Study

  1. Isaiah Part 1 / Ch 1-29 - The Word of the Holy One to Israel, the Remnant, and the Nations... and the Promise of the Child to Be Born - 14 Lessons (You are here)
  2. Isaiah Part 2 / Ch 40-66 - Comfort My People - 9 Lessons




View/Download First Lesson Sample Here (NAS95)


To view/download first lesson in ESV, please go to PUP course page.

Isaiah Part 1

SKU: P70483
  • Precept Upon Precept is a Precept Inductive Bible Study which features the Precept Inductive Bible Study Method. Discover Truth for Yourself.

    Unapologetically the gold-standard of all Precept studies, PUP is intensely-rich in its depth and scope of study. When you’re ready to go deeper and understand the whole counsel of God, you’re ready for Precept Upon Precept (PUP). Unfiltered and straight from the Bible, PUP studies help you discover the life-changing power of God for yourself through the daily study of His Word.

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